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King David Harps in the Press

Return of David’s Harp-1.jpg

Breaking Israel News 

November 23  1984 (English)

 Jerusalem Post 

November 23  1984 (English)

 Art And Judaica Magazine

 September 30  1987 (English)

September 24  1986 (English)

Play Video

Shoshana Harrari introduces the Biblical Harp


Jan 1th, 1990 (Hebrew)

Israel Magazine

 May 13th, 1994 (Danish)

Newsletter of the International Cristian Embassy dated Sep  1998 (English)

Play Video

Micah & Shoshana Harrari talking about their Harps

 The Cristian Observer

November 2004 (English)

 The Mishpacha  Magazine

August 3th, 2006 (Hebrew)

 Shoshana Harrari for Olam Magazine 

 April 30  2007 (English)

Mariv newspaper 

April 30  2007 (Hebrew)

The Mishpacha  Magazine

Oct 10th, 2008 (English)

Play Video

Interview with Shoshana and a view of the Harrari's workshop

Haaretz newspaper

September 28  2008 (Hebrew)

 Jewish Press  Magazine

October 7th, 2014 (English)

The David's Star  Magazine 

August 3th, 2014 (English)

Play Video

Shelli Baker plays "Heveno Shalom Alechem" on Harrari Harp.

 Israel National News 

Jul 24th  2008 (English)

The Mount Zion Reporter (English)

An article in Norwegian

An article in Japanese

An article in Dutch

An article in German

To set up an interview for an article or film please contact us. 

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